Congress Programme
Click here to see the Full Technical Programme in detail for oral presentations- Monday to Thursday. ** Some technical changes have occured on the programme- click here to read
Click here to see the Full Technical Programme in detail for Poster Presentations – Monday to Thursday
Can’t find your name or details- look up the Authors Index
Paper numbers 100 – 500 are oral presentations while 501+ are poster presentations. This may help you in finding your session and presentation day. An underline on the authors index indicates the listed presenting author. All files are in PDF format which you can print or save to your computer.
The Programme will cover 23 topics during the congress. Please view the preliminary programme at a glance or by clicking on the image below. The congress will focus and highlight the key issues surrounding Water, Climate and Energy through oral, poster, rapid fire, workshop and industry sessions. We encourage debate and discussions from all sectors and hope that attendees will develop new partnerships and insights for these critical issues.
To see the technical programme in detail- click the daily schedules below. This will open a PDF file you can view online, print or save to your computer desktop. For further session descriptions, click on the daily tabs above or visit the sections on workshops, special session etc…
Building a Sustainable Global Future
The inaugural Word Congress on Water, Climate and Energy taking place in Dublin, Ireland from the 13-18 May. The venue for this prestigious event is the Convention Centre, Dublin. It will combine multiple scientific sessions with workshops, panel debates, discussion groups, technical tours, Young Water Professional sessions and industry interaction. The format of the congress is unique as we will be offering morning and afternoon plenary sessions, which will provide genuine continuity for all delegates as the themes are discussed throughout each day and as issues and resolutions emerge daily.
For the first time ever, it will provide a forum for genuine joined up thinking at policy, legislative, economic and scientific levels, to frame a coherent model in which to address the urgent issues that are inextricably linked in the areas of Water, Climate, Energy and Food. The key issues will be examined through a rural/urban and national/international dynamic.
The key mantra is Building a Sustainable Global Future, which in effect means returning to natural systems. he sun is the ultimate driver providing 1.4GW of energy per sq km on the earths surface and also influences our weather patterns, so accordingly, we must move towards cleaner, more efficient and sustainable water, energy, food production and flood/drought /mitigation systems. We will also discuss the link between the global economic “crunch” and its immediate correlation to the environmental crisis.
By tackling the challenges in relation to greenhouse gases and the resulting need to move urgently to the harnessing and application of renewable resources, the congress will discuss how the water, energy and other efficiencies will be consistent with economic growth through the green economy thus also looking at the overall global position through LDC and LIC nations, overall global health and welfare.
The congress will bring together the entire cycle from pure research to full commercialisation of water, energy, food and other resource dynamics and accordingly will attract and fully integrate academics, engineers, planners/landscape experts, scientists, financiers, policy makers, eco-system experts and all the theme leaders included in the programme.
The speakers during the congress will work through the areas of water and energy to discuss the important issues arising in their fields of expertise, how they overlap and how they may be affected by climate change. It is hoped that the Dublin outcomes will provide a key advocacy document for critical institutions such as World Bank, United Nations, EU, OECD, Governmental offices etc… . The emphasis will be on developing an holistic appreciation of the issues and to map the way to a sustainable future in relation to water and energy.
Special “Hot Issue” sessions will be included shortly within the programme covering topics such as;
Ø Fracking
Ø Septic Tanks
Ø Peatland Conservation
Ø Hydro Power (tidal, wave)
Ø Wind Energy (onshore/offshore)
Ø Water Metering
Ø Governance/Harvest 2020 Programme
Awards will be presented for best poster and oral presentations throughout the congress.
During the congress there will be over 20 session topics covered with additional special sessions and workshops
Congress Session Topics
Topics and number of sessions per topic
- Water Treatment Technologies, Sustainability & Change x 8
- Climate Change & Water Resources x 6
- Water Resources Management x 5
- Water Energy Nexus x 4
- Environmental Sustainability x 4
- Climate Adaptation x 4
- Water, Agriculture & Food x 3
- Waste water & Energy Implications x 3
- Economics of Water x 2
- Greenhouse Gas Mitigation & Renewable Energy x 2
- Policy, Politics, Legislation & Regulation x 2
- Planning & Sustainable development x 2
- Water, Climate & Landscape Adaptation x 2
- Water & Waste Utility Improvements x 2
- ICT x 2
- Developing World Issues x 2
- Climate Change, Energy & Human Health x 2
- Stakeholder x 1
- Institution Response x 1
- Sustainable Drainage Systems x 1
- Integrated Governance of Water and Energy in a Changing Climate x 1
- Institutional & Regulatory Response x 1
- Australia/USA- Climate, Energy & Water Project x 1
Following a ceremonial opening, Paul Reiter, Director General of IWA, will preface the entire technical programme and set the tone for the congress during the opening plenary session. He will be followed by PJ Rudden, President of Engineers Ireland.
Throughout the day we will cover such issues as
Ø Water, Energy Nexus theme - The four sessions running throughout the day range from policy and strategy through technology. Mostly related to energy in water treatment works, however the implications for Greenhouse Gases are a strong feature in a number of presentations.
Ø Water Resources Management – Water Resources Management is a major theme that continues throughout the day. Covering demand management, through river engineering and the effects of contaminants, a full range of WRM issues is covered. Particularly noteworthy is the diversity of rivers and regions covered by the speakers and the logical extension to water quality issues.
Ø Economics of Water - From pricing sludge through water infrastructure investment strategy, including the sustainability of tariffs and green finance, the sessions on economics cover water supply, wastewater treatment and also agriculture.
Ø Environmental Sustainability – From dam removal to the effects of construction sits on water quality, and touching on energy matters, these two sessions cover a broad range of sustainability issues.
Ø Water Treatment, Technologies, Sustainability and Change – Mostly covering different sustainable technologies and processes, with a significant focus on nitrogen and phosphorus removal, but including economic analysis and a discussion of the future.
ØICT – Papers on data collection, modelling and simulation form the core topics of this session.
The Monday Flagship Worskshop will cover the topic of Utility Efficiency led by industry leaders in this field.
There will be other special sessions and workshops running during the day from the Young Water Professionals, the Prepared Programme and the WaterDiss2.0 group.
The afternoon plenary session will be Theo Schmitz of Vewin and Martin Curley of Intel who will offer their views on how integration and a holistic approach to the core congress themes should be addressed.
During the day we will showcase the relevant posters to the day’s themes and topics covered within the exhibition area. There will be ample opportunities throughout the day (not only during breaks) to see the scientific works but also interact and make vital contacts with our congress exhibitors and sponsors and see what key products/research will be launched.
Tuesday’s strong focus is on the developing world and global issues related to resources, and the tone will be set by our first plenary address from Dr Mary Robinson of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice. Kevin Parris will also set the tone through his work and experience within OECD. Key issues at the plenary session will include policy coherence, legislative consolidation and the importance of ethics and equity.
Throughout the day we will cover such issues as
Ø Climate Adaptation – The climate adaptation theme is maintained in four sessions throughout the day. Starting from the general issues of the role of information in change, risk and management, these sessions include effects on urban development, agriculture, food, forests and water supply.
Ø Water, Treatment Technologies, Sustainability and Change ( a continuation of Monday’s sessions) – A major congress theme with four sessions running throughout the day building on from the session on Water Treatment Technologies on Monday. The early session focuses on energy matters, especially energy recovery and later sessions on specific new technologies and processes, including the use of nanoparticles ( this theme will continue throughout the week).
Ø Developing World – Following on from the plenary presentation by Mary Robinson and Kevin Parris, this session introduces a range of issues of special concern in the developing world, with a particular emphasis on the impacts on the poor, including rainwater harvesting, food water supply and wastewater treatment.
Ø Climate Change, Energy and Human Health – Sessions on human health issues follow those on developing world issues. These cover the impacts of technology (e.g. dams, water treatment works) on human settlements and ecosystems and the food chain and also the reverse, e.g. how energy consumption patterns impact on the environment. The presenters take us through many different countries, including Malaysia, Bangladesh, Nepal and Mexico.
Ø ICT (continuing from Monday sessions) – Tuesday’s ICT session focuses on data streams and collection platforms in a variety of different settings from marine to rural catchments.
Ø Stakeholder – An interesting session for those wishing to understand the issues involved in integrating stakeholders’ concerns into the management process, for instance, bridging the science-public gap and communicating with the public.
Ø Institutional Response / Governance – The session on stakeholders is followed immediately by one on institutional response, an appropriate juxtaposition that leads us to issues of governance, water rights, flood hazards and infrastructure barriers including smart and efficient procurement and administration.
The Tuesday Flagship Worskshop will cover the topic of SmartCities /Liveable Cities/Cities of the Future led by industry leaders from CDM Smith and IBM.
There will be other parallel/special sessions and workshops running during the day from the FRC SicAdapt! session running throughout the day as well as the Prepared Programme sessions.
The afternoon plenary session will be Paul Brown of CDM Smith and Gerard Mooney of IBM, who on a daily basis are grappling with delivering on smart liveable cities.
Again, during the day we will showcase the relevant posters for the day’s themes and topics covered within the exhibition area. There will be ample opportunities throughout the day (not only during breaks) to see the scientific works but also interact and make vital contacts with our congress exhibitors and sponsors and see what key products/research will be launched.
On Wednesday the emphasis switches to waste and wastewater treatment, greenhouse gases, energy and institutional and governance issues. The Prepared Programme hold an open session for those interested in their project and Enterprise Ireland organise an “Industry Day”. Wednesday’s workshop continues the utilities theme focusing on carbon and energy neutrality. Our opening plenary speakers Mr Khoo Teng Chye of the Center for Liveable Cities and Genevieve Ferone of Veolia Water will set the tone of the morning sessions in conjunction with the topic leaders of each session.
Throughout the day we will cover such issues as
Ø Waste and Waste-Water Management - A strong coverage of natural and biological treatment methods, interspersed with sustainable solutions and public/private management strategies.
Ø Policy, Politics, Legislation & Regulation – Organisational and institutional matters from a number of countries facing Climate Change issues, from national regulation to institutional factors and initiatives.
Ø Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Renewable Energy – More than half of the Greenhouse Gas papers in these sessions deal with waste water treatment plants so there is much of interest to the designer and manager interested in energy efficiency.
Ø Climate Change and Water Resources – Climate change impacts on both surface waters and groundwaters are covered in two sessions together with some regional studies and some general ideas on uncertainty and on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
ØPlanning & Sustainable Development – Planning instruments and methods and coping with uncertainty, particularly for urban areas and the ever increasing migration to ‘mega cities’ is a key driver for the congress as we must have policies to facilitate high quality urban living but also sustainable rural communities.
Ø Integrated Governance of Water and Energy in a Changing Climate - Hydropower in India, carbon neutrality in the Maldives, water and energy efficiency in the UK all involve governance issues and are complemented here with a social science perspective.
Ø Institutional & Regulatory Response - The session on Institutional Response is geographically varied with descriptions of issues such as the European Water Framework Directive and the IPCC and others bringing specific issues from Brazil, Australia and Saudi Arabia.
Ø Sustainable Drainage Systems – Urban flood flows are the main focus of the session on SuDS, with special contributions on new technologies and sustainability.
The Wednesday Flagship Workshop will be chaired by the Water, Climate and Energy Task Group and their sessions are entitled
- Towards carbon and energy neutral water and waste water utilities
- Urban adaptation practices in reality- from planning to concrete adaptation…
There will be other parallel/Special sessions running during the day from Prepared Programme sessions, a KARIM session and Enterprise Ireland are hosting an Industry session throughout the day.
The afternoon plenary will be an Industry Debate joining key speakers who are heads of leading public and private bodies, internationally known and brought together to debate the issues focused within the congress.
Again, During the day we will showcase the relevant posters to the day’s themes and topics covered within the exhibition area. There will be ample opportunities throughout the day (not only during breaks) to see the scientific works but also interact and make vital contacts with our congress exhibitors and sponsors and see what key products/research will be launched. Being the Industry Day will add additional value to the mix on delegates and groups attending from an international level and visiting the congress.
Sustainability is the integrating theme of the congress technical programme, when delegates will be able to consider the options and outcomes of the congress. The joined up thinking at the heart of the congress will feature the ideas of sustainability for the environment, wastewater treatment technologies and other aspects such as economics, ecosystems and societal impacts.
These sessions are complemented by closely related sessions on water resources management, agriculture and food, and utility improvements.
The morning plenary session of Karl Rose of the World Energy Council and Peter Heiland of Sic Adapt! will look at energy and flooding through climate change and sustainability.
Throughout the day we will cover such issues as
Ø Water, Agriculture and Food - A session on irrigation, sustainable food production and crop growth is followed by one with a simulation modelling emphasis and then by a session focussing on diffuse pollution in rural catchments.
Ø Climate Change and Water Resources - The early session starts with the hydrological drivers, particularly rainfall and is followed by a discussion on expected climate change impacts. The implications for the management of a diverse range of water resources are discussed in the two following sessions.
Ø Environmental Sustainability - Environmental sustainability is a broad topic and the diversity of papers in these sessions reflect this, taking us through a discussion of tipping points, conceptual frameworks for sustainability and then some specific examples and some numerical modelling addressing footprints, metrics and other ways of tracking and measuring progress and/or environmental deterioration.
Ø Water and Waste Utility Improvements - The themes of energy and adaptive management form the basis of two sessions on water and waste utility improvements.
Ø Water Treatment Technologies, Sustainability & Change ( final sessions) – This session carries on from Wednesday by including papers on desalination, followed by papers on more specific issues, such as thermal treatment and gamma radiation.
Ø Water, Resources Management ( final sessions) – Human health and disinfection feature in this session, which includes papers on groundwater issues and setting environmental flow targets.
Ø Water, Climate and Landscape Adaptation - Weather elements such as rainfall, together with glaciers and lakes come together as part rod the landscape formation. In this session the implications of extreme weather events and greenhouse gases associated climate change are to the fore and the importance of climate adaptation measures relating to water, climate and landscape adaptation are raised.
The Thursday Flagship Workshop will cover the topic of Technology and Utilities.
There will be other parallel sessions running during the day from Prepared Programme and the Australia/USA- Climate, Energy and Water Policy Programme as well as other Workshops.
There will be a special session highlighting the specific NW European Issues relating to Water, Climate and Energy. This session will address INTERREG, FP7 and other funded policy related instruments including Water Framework Directive, Floods Directive, Energy Directive and Marine Strategy Directive.
The afternoon plenary will be James Barnard of Black and Veatch and Jonathan Clement of PWN.
Again, during the day we will showcase the relevant posters for the day’s themes and topics covered within the exhibition area. There will be ample opportunities throughout the day (not only during breaks) to see the scientific works but also interact and make vital contacts with our congress exhibitors and sponsors and see what key products/research will be launched.